Navigating Non-Conformities in Construction Industry Assessments

Navigating Non-Conformities in Construction Industry Assessments

In the construction industry, third-party assessments have become a standard practice. These assessments, conducted by organisations like ISO, Achilles UVDB, and CHAS, often reveal common non-conformities (NCs) that companies need to address. Let’s explore some typical NCs and their solutions.

## 1. Lack of Documented H&S Communication

**Issue:** Insufficient evidence of site communication between top management and employees.

**Solution:** Implement a central point register to record informal discussions, changes to RAMS, and issues raised by site employees. This helps identify trends and satisfies assessment requirements.

## 2. Subcontractor and Supplier Control

**Issue:** Inadequate management of subcontractor insurance, competency, and compliance with regulations like the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015.

– Assign dedicated employees to manage subcontractor and supplier control.
– Establish clear requirements for documentation and competency.
– Set up regular checks for expiring records.
– Implement an audit program to ensure process effectiveness.

## 3. Non-Routine (Service) RAMS and Controls

**Issue:** Lack of risk assessments and method statements for non-site activities, often overlooked during assessments.

**Solution:** Extend existing HSEQ inspection programs to cover non-routine activities in offices, workshops, stores, and other non-site areas.

## Key Takeaways

To prevent or address non-conformities:
1. Identify process owners
2. Maintain clear process records
3. Establish regular checking frequencies

By focusing on these areas, construction companies can improve their compliance and performance in third-party assessments, ultimately enhancing their overall safety and quality management systems.

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